Friends Chosen by Destiny

They say every one who comes across you have a reason, I am a firm believer of this, whether it has been friendship or any relationship. I and my friend Rati, met in school, when we met in school we were not great friends we were just classmates, but we use to enjoy each other’s company because we had one element common in both of us we both were very humourous, we still are. Even in the saddest situation we can find things to laugh about. However, she left the school in 9th standard and our ways parted.
After two long years, we again met this time in another school. I was enrolled in new school. Being the new it was difficult for me to adjust in entirely different environment. One day during the recess we met by chance, I was surprised to find her more over was so happy to see her there because in an unknown world even one known face brings comfort. As we were in different streams like I had taken science and she had taken humanities, we had only intervals to share, during recess we not only shared our food but our problems and worries also. Soon we became friends, yet we were not so close at that time. Relationships take time to develop. As the boards were near and my health was suffering due to severe lungs infection. We couldn’t keep in touch with each other. As we already had different sets of friends. But surprisingly we joined the same college that was a turning point for our friendship. We came closer to each other. Many storms came, many seasons changed, our friendship crossed many tests. Our friendship had survived many battles. Because we have blessings of the God, love, respect, faith, acceptance, space, co-operation and good feelings and good intentions for each other and for each other’s lives. From classmates, to friends to close friends our friendship had come a long way.
I wonder the girl I met few years back in school will one day become one of the most important people in my life. Usually, it’s the fun, joys, tuning that bring two people known to each other and with time their friendship becomes strong. In our case, it’s the pain that brought us together. She is such a true, faithful, loving person; I wish may everyone have such a wonderful friend. This is how I met my closest friend and yes, every one in your life has come with a reason.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Unpredictable Love

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Strange are the ways of love, when you try to hold your heart tightly and close all the doors for love, it has the potential to cross the boundaries and enter the horizon of your heart. Your valves may act as fences but love has the quality to melt those fences. You may have hundred thousand reasons for not being vulnerable to love, of course you have the right to armour your heart with strong negative beliefs that you keep chanting experiences after experiences, but still at times even you know that how young and fresh love is. Isn’t that true? I have seen, that when people run after love it eludes, and when they close the narrowing openings its at the same time love knocks.

Let’s not blame love for anything, because it’s the people who manipulate things in the name of love. Love has been unconditional and it will always be. Every heart is meant to be loved. For love is life force of the soul. We fail; people fail not the love itself. What if you change your perception and your attitude towards love first? What if you start loving people unconditionally first? What’s the best thing about doing this is that your focus shifts from receiving to giving. Giving selflessly. Wow! You operate from heart now, a heart that is brimming with love. Love for self, love for everyone. Your intentions become so pure. You are pure.
Instead of threatening your heart of all the possible hurtful consequences that circumstances brings, destiny brings, your karmic accounts brings, open your wings, let them flutter, soar high. Most important be happy because when you radiate happiness love comes from cozy corners.

I have tried to weave love in falling verses in my book “Thousand Words In Million Silent Ways”.
Have tried to paint love through words………if you like to read, you can pick up one book and steal love. - From here

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Season of Difficulties

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Today, you may be facing a season of difficulties, may be it’s a hard and trying time for you, things not going well, relationships falling into pieces, health deteriorating, or may be money running away. It could be any of these problems or it could be all of these coming in joint venture. The season of burdens and baggage. The chest is heavy, the mind is loaded. Everywhere we look for solutions. Opposite side there are hindrances, there are certain circumstances we can’t changes, certain things from which we can’t turn away our faces.

But we can always change our attitude, once we do that our perception changes, energy changes. Remember, it’s just a season, it will pass. There is more energy in you, enthusiasm in you then the magnitude of difficulties. You can change the course of the wind, the direction of the stars. I know you can, your strength lies in the power of your soul, in the power of Almighty. He loves you, He strengthens you. You can’t be left abandoned. You are Blessed.

Have tried to paint love through words………if you like to read, you can pick up one book and steal love. - From here

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Prayer of Healing

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Now is the perfect moment to heal you. How long will you stay abandoned? How long will you sleep alone with your bruises? Look at your fragmented heart and ruptured soul. Your mind hasn’t slept since ages. It’s only your body that took rest. The mind always keeps running behind the past traumas and future dilemmas. Both consume energy and time. Between the past and future you miss the now.

God wants to heal you, you are precious to him. He knows once you will be healed, you can become medium of healing for others. Heal yourself first; when you are not healed you can’t heal others. The weak soul cannot support others and restore them.

Fold your hands. Open your heart. Open the clogged ways, release your feelings, the most pure and beautiful treasure of your heart. Heal yourself from the rejections you faced. People might have betrayed you in love and relationships. But, do not betray your own heart; it just needs your love first. The divine grace is always ever ready for your healing. There is a divine light that comes from the supreme source, supreme love. No matter, how many battles you have fought, these could be financial battles, health, relationships, social any. No matter, how many you lost, divine healing never ends. Accept your pain, its okay; it’s a part of you. You can’t discard it. Ones you accept, you get enough strength to move ahead. Don’t carry what is not worthy now, it won’t benefit you.

There is a dawn of healing that permeates through your skin, reaches the core of your heart, and heals your soul. Look towards you with a love filled bright eyes. Make some space for new experiences, new thoughts, you can change and become the new expression of love and healing.

Have tried to paint love through words………if you like to read, you can pick up one book and steal love. - From here

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Flipkart - From here

Pain in my heart

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The pain never ends. A rivulet of tears finds no place for hiding. Even couldn’t find any direction to flow. People are peeping from the window to sneak into your heart. There is a deep pain penetrating the fleshy shells of your heart. There are wounds, yelling, at the core of your heart, yearning for mercy.  The scars are begging for freedom. The thoughts are oozing from the chaotic mind. Life seems difficult hard to dealt. Falling breaths, seeking ways to escape, not ready to meet life. Some experiences has the charm to bring you smile. Some experiences bring the twist and your smile fades away. One such experience common to all is LOVE it has the capacity to bring smile and also when people try to use mind over heart in love the dazzling smile gets lost somewhere in the unknown woods.

Life without love is not life………..
Hope, yours is still shining bright like a sun………..
Hope, yours is still sparkling bright like a star………

Have tried to paint love through words………if you like to read, you can pick up one book and steal love. - From here

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Flipkart - From here

Imperfect Partners Prefect Love

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Love is always pure and perfect in itself. Love is just being. Love is just expressing itself in relationship. Be it any kind of relationship. It’s the people who are tagged with label of imperfection. Why do we search for perfection, is love not enough in itself? I guess, what perfection’s definition according to today’s people is if things what others do, are not up to our expectations. May be, they might have done their best also. We need to sometimes ask ourselves are we perfect? It’s okay to be imperfect, but yes, we should always strive to do our best, to be a better person. To polish our qualities, and try to overcome our non healthy habits which aren’t of any benefit and sometimes kills our relationships. It could be like, not having faith on your partner, doubting them. We always focus on changing others, rather than changing our thought patterns, our habits in total changing ourselves. When even we try to change, immediately our ego puts forward our inbuilt defense mechanism always eager to shield ego, telling us we shouldn’t change for others. But, let us not forget the truth the facet that we cannot change for others, we can only change when we really want to change and that too for our own selves, for our own betterment. It must be very clear that first we want to change and then why we want to change there has to be a reason, a drive and a motivation, like what benefits it can bring to me.

I have seen people who want a perfect girlfriend, a perfect boyfriend, a perfect husband and a perfect wife.  But if one is not perfect people change their partners, definitely they should change if there isn’t any scope left for any improvement in their relationships or circumstances. But, if there is single hope single measure that could be taken one should always try because we can change partners, we will meet another and even if they aren’t perfect we can look forward to another one but how many times and till how long? We just need to check. To come out of pain, bitterness, it’s easy to blame others. Holding someone else responsible for our problems, pain and circumstances is easy and safe also. But, its never true and doesn’t solve our problem also.

Instead of focusing on problems, shift your focus on solutions, appreciate more, love more, and just take first step to dissolve things. Do everything with the pure intention of love, it will work, or if things didn’t work out in the end you will still be contented that you had been all pure in your love all the while you did your best and gave your best shot. I believe Love never goes unnoticed. Trust me, one day you too will believe.

I have tried to weave love in falling verses in my book “Thousand Words In Million Silent Ways”, have tried to capture emotions in words. If you like to read it’s available on

If you want to feel it, experience it, then you can steal your copy from here.
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Prayer of Hope

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This prayer is for you, I know you are broken today, you are the master of a heart that in spite of being broken hundred times has little hope that he never discards.
When anxiety, along with carmine blood runs in your body, when walking alone is the only option left, when the path is hard and destination looks afar, hope is the only answer to all your prayers.
When destiny shows its cards and life unfolds unpredictable pages, when the mask covers the fog, when you feel cheated and betrayed, trust that hope is there to water your soul.
Just pray to the almighty for a single breath of hope and your prayer won’t be left unanswered.
Hope for a better beautiful today, for we know not the tomorrow.
Hope that life may reveal answers lying naked in universe.
Hope for being the blessing to someone.
Hope for being the answer.
Hope for strength to let go of the turbulence and pain.
Hope to work again one more time to improve your thoughts.
Hope to improve the quality of your life.
Hope to surrender yourself to your true self to take care of you.
Hope to resolve all the conflicts floating inside you.
Hope to resolve the pending issues which you have not confronted since longer.
Hope that you will touch your heart today, reaching deep today, confessing to it, how much you love it.
I know you want to say to your heart “I Love You
Do it, it’s the most beautiful thing you can do it for your heart for yourself today.
Just Trust I Know You Do Love!!!

I have tried to weave love in falling verses in my book “Thousand Words In Million Silent Ways”, have tried to capture emotions in words. If you like to read it,

If you want to feel it, experience it, then you can steal your copy from here.

Love is Addiction

Love is that addiction which penetrates through heart and on reaching the soul makes it familiar with unknown pain, hopelessness, helplessness, agony; undying restlessness, anxiety and you begin your day with yearning and end it with insomnia.
If it wouldn’t have been an addiction, then million hearts, even after being rejected, broken, ruptured, tormented, wouldn’t crave yearn for it anymore. They don’t withdraw from it much longer. Knowing that, its not the love that is flawed it’s the people in it.
It’s the same love healing, compassionate, kind, unconditional, unflinching, uncompounded, reach dark corners, subtle portions, broken alleys of hearts and balm it replenish it with itself. While the portion of the heart becomes darker, smoky and ebony on being exposed to difficult life changing circumstances, the core of the heart remains pure, fresh, brimming with love.
Well, we all know that the very essence of our life is love. Love is eternal, Love is just being.

Wanted to tell you, have tried to weave love in falling verses in my book “Thousand Words In Million Silent Ways”, have tried to capture emotions in words. Do read and let me know. It’s available on

If you want to feel it, experience it, then you can steal your copy from here. - From here

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School Days, Sunny Days

If I were to give a change to relive that one day I would take a reverse gear and bring the time back to my school days. I was studying in seventh standard. The new session had just begun. Summers days were filled with new humidity. So were our hearts with new enthusiasm.
We had a sitting arrangement in which rotation of seats takes place so that every child gets an opportunity to sit in the front row or first row. Since the class was new and so were the subject teachers that hardly had any idea about every student. I and my friend used to sit together in the same row next to each other. Let me tell you, I had been a very talkative student and so were my friends, so after few weeks or months our seats usually get changed. My parent teacher meetings have always been filled with this same complaint year after year. Being the new class teachers was not familiar with our history.
One day my Biology teacher was teaching the chapter “The Cell”.  She was explaining about its parts, its functions, etc. she has one peculiar habit of calling the word “It” as “Itch”.  Every time she pronounces the word “It” as “Itch”, it reminded me of the anointment “Itchguard” and its advertisement. Now when this flashes into my memory it compels me to burst into laugh, I wrote this word “Itchguard”, at the bottom of the page. So we both were literally dying to laugh. However, we controlled. But, this does not last longer. The laughing viruses inside were ready to expose themselves. The situation becomes more difficult and interesting also when your friend is sitting with you that too in the first row in front of your teacher, eye contact is bound to happen. It was so difficult to control your unruly laugh, at last we broke. I dropped my pencil and rubber both, bent down and found my refuge under my desk, there I laughed whole heartedly. My friend also applied the same technique and we both laugh there under our desks respectively. Finally, we both were caught red handed. My teacher asked – “Am I cracking a joke?” “Why you girls are laughing, so much?”. We were scoffed, scolded, and were punished with our hands up outside the class. The only good “thing about this was that the Biology period was our last period and only 10 minutes were left to over. We stood outside the class in punishment for near about 7-8 minutes, and the bell rang. Again we were on laughing mode, and when caught by our teacher we changed our expression, from the laughing mode we changed into serious sad mode. She scoffed at us, and said “Dramatic Girls”. Well, this is the end of this Hasna Hasaana story.
I wanted to relive this day because this reminds me that smile and laugh is spontaneous. The element of laugh comes instantly, when you are joyful from inside, when your heart is light and carefree. In life, when you are not focused on about the consequences of such little mistakes. Life was fun, tension free, there were lessons in learning, though we did a mistake but joys and happiness, sharing laughs and smiles were parallel to learning.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda