The Seven Chakras

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The chakras in body are our energy center. There are many chakras in our body but basically there are seven of them, through them our energy flows incessantly. The sanskrit word ‘Chakra’ means wheels of energy. These wheels are the store houses of energy in the body. The chakras and their health have huge impact on our entire well being from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual orbit. Our thought does impact our chakras. These seven chakras always need to be in alignment and stay open; any chakra that is not functioning properly is mainly due to blocked energy.

The seven main chakras are Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra.
            Root or Muladhara Chakra – connected with red colour, this chakra is found at the base of spine. It looks after our basic needs matter like financial concerns; issues related to survival, stability and security are affected here. If the root chakra is open we deep down feel secure and does not have any kind of fear in life. In life we can stand up for our self.

2      Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra – connected with orange colour, this chakra is located below navel and is a platform for our expressions basically deals with creativity and sexuality. It has a connection with feelings; the freedom to feel and accepting those feelings. Pleasures and feelings of abundance all are met here.

3      Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra – connected with yellow colour, this chakra is located above the navel stomach area. It relates to our personal power and our ego. It tells how one feels about one self, his or her self confidence, self esteem and self worth in his or her own eyes. It tells about one’s pereception that one holds about himself or herself.

4      Heart or Anahata Chakra – connected with green colour, located at the heart center. As the name suggests it finds its source in love and deals with relationships in our lives. Joy, compassion, forgiveness, love for self and others.

5   Throat or Vishuddha Chakra – connected with blue colour, located at the throat region. As it name suggests, it is related to communication and shows how we communicate our feelings, our truths, and how truly we express our self. Loyalty and trust are covered here.

6     Third eye or Ajna Chakra – connected with indigo colour, located at the forehead in between the eyes. A treasure box of Intuitions. Intuitions, wisdom, deep insights, and imagination all faculties are associated with this chakra. One can hone all these faculties and develops one’s psychic ability. It plays a crucial role in self-realization.

7      Crown or Sahaswara Chakra – connected with violet colour, located at the very top of the head. Another name for it is “thousand petal lotus”. Forms a bridge to the Divine, connected with spirituality, bliss and enlightenment. Your heart gets filled with divine love and everything of the universe seems connected to you. The universe becomes one with you.

The Law of Karma Part 3

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8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality.

If something you believe to be true, or anything that you strongly believe in, then sometime may be today, may be tomorrow you be called upon to show to demonstrate that truth in your life.
Now here you are asked to put whatever you claim to learn into actual practice. Whatever you have learned till now you are actually required to demonstrate your practice.

9. The Law of Here and Now.

One needs to be here and now, but if is continuously looking back in the past or excessively focusing on future then one cannot be in the here and now. To be in the awareness of present one needs to be just here and now.
Old pattern of thoughts, old behaviour or old attitude or old approach and old dreams does not leave any space for the new ones. One needs to empty oneself to be the new version of oneself.

10. The Law of Change.

History will continue to repeat itself, until and unless one learns the lessons needed to be learn. This means, that every situation or circumstances has a lesson in it which we need to find search or learn until we learn things will keep repeating itself.

11. The Law of Patience and Rewards.

For any reward, you need to make the first move it requires initial toiling, your labour and hard work will lead you towards that reward. For valuable rewards you need to first persistently toil and show immense patient from your side. Heartfelt inner joy or you can say true joy comes from doing what is asked or supposed to be doing and waiting patiently for the reward to come in its own perfect timing.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration.

You do get back from something that you have put into it. The true prize or value of something is a direct result of energy and with what intent that it has been done. Every single personal contribution is a contribution to the whole. Lesser contribution does not make any impact on the whole nor do they work to diminish it. Love filled contribution brings life to anything and inspire to the whole.

So we have to keep in mind these laws and change are attitude before our baggage increases and our cross becomes more heavy. If we consciously take every single effort to improve our behaviour, to accept things calmly and ready for change with open mind things from then on can definitely change and so our life too.

The Law of Karma Part -2

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3. The Law of Humility.

Anything that you now refuse to accept will continue for you. Anything that you are denying at present must accept at first if you want to change things at your hand. We must first acknowledge whatever is happening in our life, in our inner state, then and only then we can change it. Suppose, we are going through a difficult relationship phase then in order to bring harmony in our relationship we must first acknowledge that something is not fine and needs to be corrected.

4. The Law of Growth.
For the growth to happen it is we who must change. We cannot change people, places or our circumstances always. All we can do is that we can only change ourselves. Then we become more mature, we grow spiritually. This shows we have control over our own self and nothing else. And when we really bring inner changes that means when we work on our inner system with immense mental strength and courage we change means our attitude our perception changes. Then, the outer change follows this change eventually.

 5. The Law of Responsibility.
You must take responsibility for our actions and the consequences it brings. We must take the responsibility for our life. If there is anything wrong in my life then I am responsible for it, means something is wrong in me. No blame games here. There is a Universal Truth that “we mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirror us.” There is a clear reflection and clear relation between each other.

6. The Law of Connection.
Everything in the universe is connected. Any task that you might think is of least importance, is not so in reality, because every single small step will lead you a step further and in some way will be of help and useful to you. Someone must initiate the work in order to get it completed. Both the first step and the last step are of least importance because both are required to finish the work. The past, present and future are all interconnected.

7. The Law of Focus.
You should not think about the two things at the same time. One must concentrate on one thing at a time. When you are thinking or focusing on higher feelings or vibrations like love, peace or joy you cannot then think about hatred, jealousy, anger.

Rest are discussed in another post.

The Law of Karma

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‘KARMA', is a Sanskrit word that in English means action. We have heard so much about this word and this law, and that it operates in everybody’s life and at every level. The law of karma focuses on Lessons that needs to be learn and finished, while the good karma brings good rewards, the bad karma in turn brings bad results. It is as Newton’s Law of Motion, which suggests that “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. The law of Karma is basically about Law of cause and effect. Karma is often misunderstood as punishment givens for the deeds man has earned through his various actions. Different laws of karma are described below.

1. The Law of Cause and Effect - “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

This law focuses on performing actions consciously because our every single action will bring back the fruits that only we were supposed to reap. For example, if today someone you know comes to you and ask for financial help like for money needed in order to buy medicines for his family and you have good amount of money means all your needs are met and you have money through which you can offer your help the person who is in desperate need of it and if you happily give the money to the needy person you will be blessed and definitely you have had earned a reward in your karmic soul account. But, in case you refuse to give though you have more than enough and didn’t bothered to help then some day this has higher chances of coming back to you, may be in time of your need you would not be helped. So, its simple give love, happiness, respect and help in creating peace and friendship and this will come back to you always multiplied many times. Whatever we send out to the universe, it just comes back to us because we have set it into motion.
     2. The Law of Creation.
Anything in life cannot just happen solely; it equally requires our involvement and participation in it. Suppose you have a dream to become a singer in your life, then you cannot be singer just in a day. For that, you have to learn music and singing and you require regular practice in order to enhance your talent. You will have to use your will power and determination and put your efforts so to manifest your dreams. Our environment or surroundings tells a lot about our inner state of being and this does affect our participation in creating whatever we desire to create.

The rest of the laws will be discussed in another post.