Showing posts with label Awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awakening. Show all posts

Let Go of Past, Embrace the Present

365 days we think about the many 365 days that has written our past or we think about another coming 365 days of our life. I mean we either think about our past or future and we hardly we live in our present. We think about the past incidents or events because they have had left an impression on our memory. And we think about the future because somewhere we aren’t satisfied with our present. This creates disharmony in human life, which usually is full of stress and chaos. Isn’t this situation is true in most of cases here on Earth.

I have seen people saying that it’s very difficult to let go of their past, I agree to this to some extent but this actually is not the whole truth. We should not give up even before trying, without making any effort. Why not give it a trial today.

What you need to do first is to accept your situation whole heart, completely with your mind, heart and soul.  First there will be resistance, the mind behave like a rebel child they all will create resistance. But, then start with something small, like; okay, I accept that my mind is denying accepting everything at this moment. I the Soul accept this resistance. Now once you know that where the problem lies, so now say to yourself that I will try to analyze the whole situation and introspect the things as they are without judging them. What can I learn from this problem, this situation, this incident? Where did I go wrong? Is this situation serving me anymore? No, then why am I holding onto this still? Why do I want to carry the unnecessary baggage? Find answers and gather the courage to move on. To close the dead chapters which are not consuming you, but your health your peace and life. Life is just not this incident. Life is much more than this; this was definitely a part of your life. Let go of the past relationships, let go of the repeated failures, let go of the loss, let go of the bitterness, let go of the quarrels and fight, let go of your break-up and take a deep breath in the fresh air under the clean sky. Just for Yourself. Learn to embrace what you have now. If you have a habit of writing journal or penning your feelings or thoughts then you can do one thing write down what you feel? Write down your emotion regarding any situation or person bothering you. Be completely honest and impartial and also judge yourself at that time just write and voice your emotions first start with yourself alone, connect with yourself talk to yourself and whatever thoughts comes to your mind jot them down allow yourself to feel everything anger, sorrow, grief, sadness, pain and let your tears melt from your eyes, from your heart. Let the rigidity melt now. You have to allow yourself to take this step for your highest good, for your expansion and for you to advance on your path.

Signs of Angels and Their Presence

We all believe in prayers, in Higher Power, Divine, God or whatever you call. You might have heard of Angels, Angels being the spiritual beings are messengers of God. They belong to the higher realm and they guard us, protect us and send messages that are significant for life path through signs and symbols. We can call them or make a request to them anytime we are in need of them. They do come for help for guidance in many mysterious ways.

There are many ways, signs clues and symbols through which you can get an answer to your question, or they will push you moving towards the right path. You can say Angels can make their presence felt through these signs hints. You may consider these signs of least significance in the beginning but once you start noticing, and appreciating it you will begin to notice these signs more frequently in your life. Depending on your problems, situation or events, your question they may reveal most suitable guidance or answer as per your need or guidance when followed may lead you forward.

The frequently appearing signs are :-


Feathers can appear in front of you anytime from anywhere. It is the most common sign of Angels confirming you that they are near you. The feather can be of any colour like white, grey, brown, black, orange, green, blue, purple, yellow, red etc. And every colour has its own meaning. Likewise they can also appear in the mixed colours like grey and white, brown and white, black and white, and so on and on. Every feather has its own message like white for peace and purity, grey for hope, orange for attracting love and success, etc.


These spiritual beings can draw your attention towards them through another natural source i.e., clouds. You will begin to notice an image of different and unique cloud patterns like that of angel wings, heart, God’s Image or whatever you have asked for as an answer.


Sometimes out of nowhere the fragrance of any kind will come in your surroundings. This could be a smell of any flower, or an aroma of any perfume.


They appear when some change or transformation is about to occur. When inner or outer transformation is about to happen butterfly can come as a sign that the happening change is for higher good of you and all and one does not need to be afraid.

Lighting Flashes

Different colours of light or flashes of light you will see, during meditation, in a dream or near you. Shaft of light appearing in your room, light orb or light in some form shimmering suddenly grab your attention. Even when you close your eyes you will still feel the presence of light. They wrap us in their light for protecting and healing.


These celestial beings will leave coins on your path to reassure you of their love and help. You must always notice your thoughts when these kinds of signs appear on your path.


Suppose you are worried for anything, or thinking about some problem and asking for angelic guidance through your prayers. Then suddenly you notice rainbow whether it rains or not. This could be a confirmation sign from your angels that they have heard you.

Temperature change

When these heavenly beings surround you will sometimes notice a change in your temperature. Suddenly your body could feel warmth or you may start feeling cold or like a chilling wind. Goosebumps, tickling then believe that your angels are surrounding you.


Angels more often make their presence felt through numbers, suppose you are thinking something important or about making some decision suddenly you look at the clock and saw the time 2:22, 4:44, 11:11, or you are walking and thinking and saw numbers on billboards, hoardings, number plate of vehicles, any newspaper, any paper and some numbers keep repeating then there is a message from your Angel for you which need to be conveyed to you. Every number has its own vibration or energy associated with it.

Living Consciously

We are here to fulfill our Dharma our Highest Soul Purpose. We are here to pay back our Karmic debts, to learn our deepest lessons and go back to our home and merge with the Divine. We are here to know our real self, our atman, isn’t true all these statements are. The whole idea of life is centered on these statements, like unless we know what our purpose is here on Earth, what are we living for? Who we are and why are we here? These are the some toughest questions we all face and we consistently search for the answers. We all know that everything happens for a reason and everything has some solution some learning hidden in it. Therefore, we struggle to find ways to reach those solutions to find those answers and solve this jig-saw puzzle of life. Life is precious and yet, uncertain at the same time. Life comes with colourful experiences. Some filled with happiness, joy, and other filled with sorrows, sadness, and bitterness. We need to remember that these experiences are not permanent and are bound to change so we should not get attached with them. If everything is bound to change that what is it that remains unchangeable, our Soul our essence it at the core remains unchangeable. This is ‘I’ beyond the Ego Self, Pure Higher Self. We should see things as they are without attaching any definition to it. Without judging them, we should understand that situations, events happen in orbit of space and time. They happen for our learning. Once we slowly start breaking this chain of attachment, we start feeling liberated; we feel the freshness and lightness in us. The whole purpose of Self-realization is to set you free. To break the shackles of fear, judgment, attachment, self definitions, perceptions, ignorance, pain and suffering to takes us to our inner light. Where there is no illusion only truth and reality. Pure awareness and witnessing.

For this we need to meditate, we need to be mindful this helps us a lot in bringing a big transformation. This is the most important spiritual tool for working on our self. Something, that develops and brings forth peace, serenity, calmness, stillness and bliss in us. Living consciously makes us more sensitive and emphatic towards others. How? Like, we become more conscious of not hurting others, by our words, our thoughts and actions. We start taking responsibility for our life. We learn that it is we who our responsible for our life and its situations and circumstances we are facing rather than blaming others for everything. Therefore, it is we who can make things fine and better. Consciously, we start breaking those inner resistance and move towards acceptance. Yes, accepting our very own self as it is, then accepting our situation and people around us. This helps in expanding our self and our Consciousness. We learn to expand our circle. When we live consciously we transform and when we transform our life changes. We start finding what is good for us and what is bad for us and start using the power of will to consciously choose something which is for the higher good of us and all involve in it. We unlearn, we break free from all our identities. This is ‘I’.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction in the simple sense words means “like attracts like”, means at whatever energy you are vibrating from inside you will attract those events or situations in your life. Sometimes, this happens consciously while other times it can happen even without your realization. Vibrating with positive or negative energy counts as love, joy, peace, gratitude, feeling good, fulfilled, and confident or fear, anger, low self-esteem, frustration, hatred, ego, etc. whatever you focus on you will attract situations based on your own feelings. It directly influences our life or you can say is directly proportional to your state of being.

You have to co-create with the universe. You have to believe that you can manifest and that too effortlessly. You have to consciously shift your thinking from negative to positive ways always. Why? Because, we have deep conditioning, immense stock of fear, fear from love and being love, fear of losing happiness, fear of failure, fear of taking risk, deeply embedded beliefs regarding love, marriage, relationships, money, what we think about our self and others, our perception or what you believe in will find energy. These things build a blockage inside us.

To apply this law, you need to be open to all possibilities, have faith, and persevere in your efforts. You need to be mindful of your thoughts and start noticing every time you encounter negative thought and then replace it with a more powerful positive thought.  You can consciously start applying law of attraction anytime even from this very moment and with any kind of wish or desire you have in your heart. Start with something easy and small not because bigger things cannot be fulfilled but because not for all but for some people in the beginning mind will hold resistance and will be on the denial mode or expect anything positive. But once you start seeing its results and rewards you will understand that things can change and good things can happen to you of course. You need to have self introspection from time to time, find some time to sit with yourself and start analyzing your own self you will then find your deeply underlying beliefs which have conditioned you, your negative thought patterns, your resistance and many self definitions which you believe are all true which in reality are definitely not. If you are ready to work on yourself then you can definitely manifest anything for yourself.

There are many tools, affirmations and visualization exercises for practicing. These affirmations help in changing the thought patterns stored in our subconscious mind. Supposedly, you want money and thrive in abundance. Then you can say “I find money in so many ways coming to Me.”, “I release my inner poverty”. Like for health issues, you can say this affirmation “All cells of my body are healing.” These are the more general one but you can create your own affirmations as per your problems or needs.

You can also try visualization exercise where you can see and visualize what you want. Suppose you want to buy a house, then you can write affirmation like “My new home is just ready for me, I am going to shift very soon.”  And stick that paper on your wall somewhere in your kitchen, bedroom, etc. Or you can pick a photo or image of a beautiful house just as you want and stock that picture at the place where you can see it every time. This all will be stored in your subconscious mind and will remind you about your goals, dreams and desire.

Do try and share your experiences. This is really magical.

Different Holistic Healing and Therapies

With the shift in energy, people are becoming more inclined towards trying alternative healing therapies and spiritual healing therapies. There are many healing therapies for healing any kind of disease, emotional, mental or spiritual pain. Some of them are discussed below.

The application of using essential oils extracted from plants and flowers and their different parts for psychological, emotional and physical well being. The oils extracted are pure in nature and are applied on the skin or inhaled. These when applied or inhaled relieves the person from pain, mood related problems, insomnia, headaches, etc. The use of aromatherapy harmonizes the body, mind and spirit of the person and hence enhances their overall well being.

Colour Therapy or Chromotherapy
We all know how colour affects mood and feelings. That is why looking at the sea and sitting in the surrounding of nature brings a calm effect on us. Colour is a light which has its own wavelength and energy.  Colour therapy, a holistic healing used for balancing the imbalance chakras of the human body. Thus, enhancing the mood and overall, well-being of the person. Each chakra is associated with specific colour for Root Chakra with Red, Sacral with orange, Solar Plexus with yellow, Heart with green, Throat with blue, Third eye with indigo, Crown with violet. The spiritual healers invoke the specific colour and invite that colour light for healing the person’s physical and psychological ailments. Along with that they affect our spiritual quotient, like laughter, joy, happiness, sadness, sorrow, anger, lust, love, etc.

Crystal Healing
Crystal healing as the name suggests employs the use of the crystals for healing techniques. It is an ancient holistic healing technique. The placement of particular crystal or different types of crystals on human body relieves him or her from pain or any kind of stress and thus gives a feeling of deep relaxation.  They work on the chakras of the body, as each chakra is associated with particular body organ and therefore, crystal healing looks after the overall well-being. They have electromagnetic charges which interact with the person’s energy centers and remove the energy blockages and hence the flow of the energy is restored. Eventually the aura of the person gets cleansed and balanced. Various kinds of crystals are used for healing like Amethyst, Ruby, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Quartz, etc.

Angel Healing
Angel healing sheds the light on invoking the angels and asking or requesting them to heal our pain, or issues related to our life. Angels are divine beings filled with deep, pure, unconditional love for every being. All you need to do is call upon them or invite them to help you out. Angels do come when anyone calls them because without making a call or request they cannot help anyone as they are not entitled to interfere in anyone’s life. They send messages to people through signs and symbols like feather, numbers, butterfly, coins, particular colour light, sound, aroma, pr the change in temperature, etc in order to make their presence felt. There are different kinds of angels naming them like Guardian angels and Archangels.

There are more therapies along with these discussed above like Acupuncture, Past Life Regression, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Pranic Healing, Reiki, etc.

The Miraculous Power of Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra has its origin root back to ancient times some 2,000-3,500 years ago. It was written by Maharishi Vishvamitra and is found in the Vedas of Hindu religion. During the early time it has been kept hidden from the human society due to its magical power and was mostly practiced by the sages or Guru or Yogis. But nowadays, anybody can chant this mantra. People not only but meditate on it with profound love and devotion. Every mantra has its own vibration, energy or power and thus the one who chants it absorb its energy and get its benefits, it could be health benefits, prosperity, psychological or spiritual. Read the Mantra Below

Om Bhur Buvaha Swaha

Tat Savithur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat

The Meaning of the Mantra – we invoke the Divine Light or Divine Mother that

“O, the Divine Creator we meditate on your glory on your light. The Supreme Consciousness that created this universe, who is absolutely worthy to be worshipped. Who is the remover of all sins, sufferings and ignorance. May He enlighten our intellect and wisdom.”

Benefits of Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra is highly beneficial for anyone chanting it regularly.

It brings the mental peace, increases one’s concentration and memory. It improves the person’s learning ability. We all know that life is not easy in this fast pace world so there is much pressure and stress on people and to cope with this stress we need to fill ourselves with peace and serenity. Gayatri Mantra when chanted properly in correct rhythm reduces stress and relaxes and soothes are nerve and fills our heart with immense peace. If the people suffering with depression regularly chant this mantra it can help them to come out of their depression.

It makes the immune system strong and its vibration makes the vital organs healthy and thus they function properly. It improves the blood circulation of the body and improves the functioning of the lungs.

Not only it has the power to shield you from diseases but also protects you from accidents and enemy. It has the power to remove obstacles and roadblocks from your life. Any kind of danger cannot harm you under this armour. Its chanting creates positive vibration or positive energy in the surroundings. According to Indian astrology its chanting is such powerful that it can solve problems related to marriage and relationships.

It tremendously increases one’s inner power and brings a shift in one’s consciousness. It helps us in getting connected with God. It dissipates the negative energy of the environment. It weeds out the seeds of ignorance and brings knowledge and wisdom for the spiritual seekers. Its effects are highly beneficial for the person seeking guidance through intuition as it increases the psychic powers of the person and profound insights embedded or laying in dormant state appear to the surface. Thus, comes the understanding of the eternal truth in the most direct way. It purifies the heart, mind, body and soul.

It acts as an accelerator to bring prosperity and wealth to your life. It helps in attracting such positive situations, events that fills your life with love, happiness and immense joy.

There are many guided meditation on Gayatri Mantra, one can easily try and just trust that it can do wonders for you. You will definitely feel the change.

Miraculous Benefits of Meditation

spiritual physical benefits of meditation

Meditation is resting your mind and bringing it to peace. The practice of meditation not only relaxes your body but mind also. It can develop and even enhance your soul qualities, like compassion, love, peace, joy and bliss. It brings in more clarity and makes us more grounded. Its’ benefits are many like physical, emotional, and spiritual. Meditation is very important for each one of us in today’s world which easily builds a fire of stress around us. There are many benefits of meditation for children, for teens, for stress, for work, for health, etc.

Benefits of Meditation :-

Benefits of Meditation on the Physical level

It helps in reducing anxiety. If anyone faces anxiety attacks then meditation can be of great help to that soul by making them feeling peaceful. It reduces the higher blood pressure and increases the body stamina. It enhances our immune system. It can even cure headaches and migraine. It slows the heart rate and improves the breathing or flow of oxygen. The consumption of oxygen becomes less. It decreases the muscle tension. The endocrine system of the body gets improved. And it helps in controlling the sweat. Meditation reduces pre-menstrual and menopausal syndrome. One’s aging process slows down and makes you look younger and fresh.
Benefits of Meditation on Emotional well being

The habit of getting worried even on smaller issues gets reduced with meditation. One becomes more calm and quiet from inside and thus anxiety attack does not then touch them. It brings the person into the self-introspection mode and thus the person become less impulsive. It reduces the stress level. Any kind of phobias and fear for life and situation starts evaporating from their seat. Meditation has cure depression and problems related to loneliness. It develops flexibility and provides strength to accept pain and face any adversity. It helps in improving the mood and emotional intelligence of the person, along with better understanding of the self.

Benefits of Meditation on Mind

The mind with the practice of the meditation becomes more focused. The concentration power of the mind increases tremendously. Meditation enhances cognitive skills and creativity. The ability to make decision and solve any problem enhances and one feels powerful to execute any ideas and plan. Along with that the self confidence increases. The memory becomes sharp its’ retention and recall power increases many folds. It reduces aggressiveness that actually harms the person. The traffic of the thoughts get reduced and controlled. The intuition and productivity of the mind also get enhanced. With meditation comes expansion of the view which helps in seeing the larger picture of the situation. It helps in quitting any kind of addiction like smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. it develops will power and provides mental strength to remove any kind of bad habit.

Benefits of Meditation on the Spiritual level

It focuses on enhancing one’s self-esteem and self-acceptance, with that come peace of mind and inner satisfaction and immense happiness. As, you know every life has a purpose has a dharma to follow and here it helps in finding one’s soul purpose and dharma of life. One becomes more compassionate, forgiving and kind towards oneself and eventually towards others. There comes wisdom with deep insights, with better understanding of oneself and others. The body, mind and spirit move in alignment and harmony. Meditation brings change in perception and thus one’s attitude also changes towards life, towards oneself, towards everything. It brings closeness and pure unconditional love towards God. Brings the awareness to the present moment, lesser chances of falling back to the past or live in future. Going beyond the false pride and ego and diving deep into one’s consciousness. One will experience great increase in the synchronicity of life. Yes, there comes a time when one can experience oneness with the universe and experiencing inner assurances and detachment.

I regularly practice meditation and have experienced its many benefits, do try and experience a new life. You can also go for guided meditation and specifically also go for beginner’s meditation.

The Seven Chakras

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The chakras in body are our energy center. There are many chakras in our body but basically there are seven of them, through them our energy flows incessantly. The sanskrit word ‘Chakra’ means wheels of energy. These wheels are the store houses of energy in the body. The chakras and their health have huge impact on our entire well being from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual orbit. Our thought does impact our chakras. These seven chakras always need to be in alignment and stay open; any chakra that is not functioning properly is mainly due to blocked energy.

The seven main chakras are Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra.
            Root or Muladhara Chakra – connected with red colour, this chakra is found at the base of spine. It looks after our basic needs matter like financial concerns; issues related to survival, stability and security are affected here. If the root chakra is open we deep down feel secure and does not have any kind of fear in life. In life we can stand up for our self.

2      Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra – connected with orange colour, this chakra is located below navel and is a platform for our expressions basically deals with creativity and sexuality. It has a connection with feelings; the freedom to feel and accepting those feelings. Pleasures and feelings of abundance all are met here.

3      Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra – connected with yellow colour, this chakra is located above the navel stomach area. It relates to our personal power and our ego. It tells how one feels about one self, his or her self confidence, self esteem and self worth in his or her own eyes. It tells about one’s pereception that one holds about himself or herself.

4      Heart or Anahata Chakra – connected with green colour, located at the heart center. As the name suggests it finds its source in love and deals with relationships in our lives. Joy, compassion, forgiveness, love for self and others.

5   Throat or Vishuddha Chakra – connected with blue colour, located at the throat region. As it name suggests, it is related to communication and shows how we communicate our feelings, our truths, and how truly we express our self. Loyalty and trust are covered here.

6     Third eye or Ajna Chakra – connected with indigo colour, located at the forehead in between the eyes. A treasure box of Intuitions. Intuitions, wisdom, deep insights, and imagination all faculties are associated with this chakra. One can hone all these faculties and develops one’s psychic ability. It plays a crucial role in self-realization.

7      Crown or Sahaswara Chakra – connected with violet colour, located at the very top of the head. Another name for it is “thousand petal lotus”. Forms a bridge to the Divine, connected with spirituality, bliss and enlightenment. Your heart gets filled with divine love and everything of the universe seems connected to you. The universe becomes one with you.

The Law of Karma Part 3

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8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality.

If something you believe to be true, or anything that you strongly believe in, then sometime may be today, may be tomorrow you be called upon to show to demonstrate that truth in your life.
Now here you are asked to put whatever you claim to learn into actual practice. Whatever you have learned till now you are actually required to demonstrate your practice.

9. The Law of Here and Now.

One needs to be here and now, but if is continuously looking back in the past or excessively focusing on future then one cannot be in the here and now. To be in the awareness of present one needs to be just here and now.
Old pattern of thoughts, old behaviour or old attitude or old approach and old dreams does not leave any space for the new ones. One needs to empty oneself to be the new version of oneself.

10. The Law of Change.

History will continue to repeat itself, until and unless one learns the lessons needed to be learn. This means, that every situation or circumstances has a lesson in it which we need to find search or learn until we learn things will keep repeating itself.

11. The Law of Patience and Rewards.

For any reward, you need to make the first move it requires initial toiling, your labour and hard work will lead you towards that reward. For valuable rewards you need to first persistently toil and show immense patient from your side. Heartfelt inner joy or you can say true joy comes from doing what is asked or supposed to be doing and waiting patiently for the reward to come in its own perfect timing.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration.

You do get back from something that you have put into it. The true prize or value of something is a direct result of energy and with what intent that it has been done. Every single personal contribution is a contribution to the whole. Lesser contribution does not make any impact on the whole nor do they work to diminish it. Love filled contribution brings life to anything and inspire to the whole.

So we have to keep in mind these laws and change are attitude before our baggage increases and our cross becomes more heavy. If we consciously take every single effort to improve our behaviour, to accept things calmly and ready for change with open mind things from then on can definitely change and so our life too.

The Law of Karma Part -2

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3. The Law of Humility.

Anything that you now refuse to accept will continue for you. Anything that you are denying at present must accept at first if you want to change things at your hand. We must first acknowledge whatever is happening in our life, in our inner state, then and only then we can change it. Suppose, we are going through a difficult relationship phase then in order to bring harmony in our relationship we must first acknowledge that something is not fine and needs to be corrected.

4. The Law of Growth.
For the growth to happen it is we who must change. We cannot change people, places or our circumstances always. All we can do is that we can only change ourselves. Then we become more mature, we grow spiritually. This shows we have control over our own self and nothing else. And when we really bring inner changes that means when we work on our inner system with immense mental strength and courage we change means our attitude our perception changes. Then, the outer change follows this change eventually.

 5. The Law of Responsibility.
You must take responsibility for our actions and the consequences it brings. We must take the responsibility for our life. If there is anything wrong in my life then I am responsible for it, means something is wrong in me. No blame games here. There is a Universal Truth that “we mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirror us.” There is a clear reflection and clear relation between each other.

6. The Law of Connection.
Everything in the universe is connected. Any task that you might think is of least importance, is not so in reality, because every single small step will lead you a step further and in some way will be of help and useful to you. Someone must initiate the work in order to get it completed. Both the first step and the last step are of least importance because both are required to finish the work. The past, present and future are all interconnected.

7. The Law of Focus.
You should not think about the two things at the same time. One must concentrate on one thing at a time. When you are thinking or focusing on higher feelings or vibrations like love, peace or joy you cannot then think about hatred, jealousy, anger.

Rest are discussed in another post.

The Law of Karma

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‘KARMA', is a Sanskrit word that in English means action. We have heard so much about this word and this law, and that it operates in everybody’s life and at every level. The law of karma focuses on Lessons that needs to be learn and finished, while the good karma brings good rewards, the bad karma in turn brings bad results. It is as Newton’s Law of Motion, which suggests that “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. The law of Karma is basically about Law of cause and effect. Karma is often misunderstood as punishment givens for the deeds man has earned through his various actions. Different laws of karma are described below.

1. The Law of Cause and Effect - “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

This law focuses on performing actions consciously because our every single action will bring back the fruits that only we were supposed to reap. For example, if today someone you know comes to you and ask for financial help like for money needed in order to buy medicines for his family and you have good amount of money means all your needs are met and you have money through which you can offer your help the person who is in desperate need of it and if you happily give the money to the needy person you will be blessed and definitely you have had earned a reward in your karmic soul account. But, in case you refuse to give though you have more than enough and didn’t bothered to help then some day this has higher chances of coming back to you, may be in time of your need you would not be helped. So, its simple give love, happiness, respect and help in creating peace and friendship and this will come back to you always multiplied many times. Whatever we send out to the universe, it just comes back to us because we have set it into motion.
     2. The Law of Creation.
Anything in life cannot just happen solely; it equally requires our involvement and participation in it. Suppose you have a dream to become a singer in your life, then you cannot be singer just in a day. For that, you have to learn music and singing and you require regular practice in order to enhance your talent. You will have to use your will power and determination and put your efforts so to manifest your dreams. Our environment or surroundings tells a lot about our inner state of being and this does affect our participation in creating whatever we desire to create.

The rest of the laws will be discussed in another post.

Acceptance requires strength

You know you want to accept the things as they are
You know but there is a resistance too
That holds you back
It is here you require strength to take a step forward
But, where is this strength exist?
This strength exist deep within you
It comes from the Divine
All you need to convince yourself
That you have the required strength
Which will push you forward and accepting things as they are. - From here

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You can read more of it and let the love flow
It's available both in Paperback & in Kindle Edition.

Stop hurting yourself

One day you feel you don’t deserve happiness
So you bring destruction to your self
You hurt yourself, You humiliate yourself
You blame yourself, You curse yourself
And then You shrink………………….
But then You should just realize with opening your thinking patterns
That this all will do no good to you, this would not change anything.
Then just sit for a moment and think why not change my thinking pattern. 
Bring an inner shift.
Definitely it will work. - From here

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You can read more of it and let the love flow
It's available both in Paperback & in Kindle Edition.

Karma Can Change Everything

karma destiny
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Everything can change in life
People can change
Time can change
Destiny can change
All can Change
Once we change our Karma. - From here

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You can read more of it and let the love flow
It's available both in Paperback & in Kindle Edition.