The Seven Chakras

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The chakras in body are our energy center. There are many chakras in our body but basically there are seven of them, through them our energy flows incessantly. The sanskrit word ‘Chakra’ means wheels of energy. These wheels are the store houses of energy in the body. The chakras and their health have huge impact on our entire well being from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual orbit. Our thought does impact our chakras. These seven chakras always need to be in alignment and stay open; any chakra that is not functioning properly is mainly due to blocked energy.

The seven main chakras are Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra.
            Root or Muladhara Chakra – connected with red colour, this chakra is found at the base of spine. It looks after our basic needs matter like financial concerns; issues related to survival, stability and security are affected here. If the root chakra is open we deep down feel secure and does not have any kind of fear in life. In life we can stand up for our self.

2      Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra – connected with orange colour, this chakra is located below navel and is a platform for our expressions basically deals with creativity and sexuality. It has a connection with feelings; the freedom to feel and accepting those feelings. Pleasures and feelings of abundance all are met here.

3      Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra – connected with yellow colour, this chakra is located above the navel stomach area. It relates to our personal power and our ego. It tells how one feels about one self, his or her self confidence, self esteem and self worth in his or her own eyes. It tells about one’s pereception that one holds about himself or herself.

4      Heart or Anahata Chakra – connected with green colour, located at the heart center. As the name suggests it finds its source in love and deals with relationships in our lives. Joy, compassion, forgiveness, love for self and others.

5   Throat or Vishuddha Chakra – connected with blue colour, located at the throat region. As it name suggests, it is related to communication and shows how we communicate our feelings, our truths, and how truly we express our self. Loyalty and trust are covered here.

6     Third eye or Ajna Chakra – connected with indigo colour, located at the forehead in between the eyes. A treasure box of Intuitions. Intuitions, wisdom, deep insights, and imagination all faculties are associated with this chakra. One can hone all these faculties and develops one’s psychic ability. It plays a crucial role in self-realization.

7      Crown or Sahaswara Chakra – connected with violet colour, located at the very top of the head. Another name for it is “thousand petal lotus”. Forms a bridge to the Divine, connected with spirituality, bliss and enlightenment. Your heart gets filled with divine love and everything of the universe seems connected to you. The universe becomes one with you.

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