Let Go of Past, Embrace the Present

365 days we think about the many 365 days that has written our past or we think about another coming 365 days of our life. I mean we either think about our past or future and we hardly we live in our present. We think about the past incidents or events because they have had left an impression on our memory. And we think about the future because somewhere we aren’t satisfied with our present. This creates disharmony in human life, which usually is full of stress and chaos. Isn’t this situation is true in most of cases here on Earth.

I have seen people saying that it’s very difficult to let go of their past, I agree to this to some extent but this actually is not the whole truth. We should not give up even before trying, without making any effort. Why not give it a trial today.

What you need to do first is to accept your situation whole heart, completely with your mind, heart and soul.  First there will be resistance, the mind behave like a rebel child they all will create resistance. But, then start with something small, like; okay, I accept that my mind is denying accepting everything at this moment. I the Soul accept this resistance. Now once you know that where the problem lies, so now say to yourself that I will try to analyze the whole situation and introspect the things as they are without judging them. What can I learn from this problem, this situation, this incident? Where did I go wrong? Is this situation serving me anymore? No, then why am I holding onto this still? Why do I want to carry the unnecessary baggage? Find answers and gather the courage to move on. To close the dead chapters which are not consuming you, but your health your peace and life. Life is just not this incident. Life is much more than this; this was definitely a part of your life. Let go of the past relationships, let go of the repeated failures, let go of the loss, let go of the bitterness, let go of the quarrels and fight, let go of your break-up and take a deep breath in the fresh air under the clean sky. Just for Yourself. Learn to embrace what you have now. If you have a habit of writing journal or penning your feelings or thoughts then you can do one thing write down what you feel? Write down your emotion regarding any situation or person bothering you. Be completely honest and impartial and also judge yourself at that time just write and voice your emotions first start with yourself alone, connect with yourself talk to yourself and whatever thoughts comes to your mind jot them down allow yourself to feel everything anger, sorrow, grief, sadness, pain and let your tears melt from your eyes, from your heart. Let the rigidity melt now. You have to allow yourself to take this step for your highest good, for your expansion and for you to advance on your path.

Signs of Angels and Their Presence

We all believe in prayers, in Higher Power, Divine, God or whatever you call. You might have heard of Angels, Angels being the spiritual beings are messengers of God. They belong to the higher realm and they guard us, protect us and send messages that are significant for life path through signs and symbols. We can call them or make a request to them anytime we are in need of them. They do come for help for guidance in many mysterious ways.

There are many ways, signs clues and symbols through which you can get an answer to your question, or they will push you moving towards the right path. You can say Angels can make their presence felt through these signs hints. You may consider these signs of least significance in the beginning but once you start noticing, and appreciating it you will begin to notice these signs more frequently in your life. Depending on your problems, situation or events, your question they may reveal most suitable guidance or answer as per your need or guidance when followed may lead you forward.

The frequently appearing signs are :-


Feathers can appear in front of you anytime from anywhere. It is the most common sign of Angels confirming you that they are near you. The feather can be of any colour like white, grey, brown, black, orange, green, blue, purple, yellow, red etc. And every colour has its own meaning. Likewise they can also appear in the mixed colours like grey and white, brown and white, black and white, and so on and on. Every feather has its own message like white for peace and purity, grey for hope, orange for attracting love and success, etc.


These spiritual beings can draw your attention towards them through another natural source i.e., clouds. You will begin to notice an image of different and unique cloud patterns like that of angel wings, heart, God’s Image or whatever you have asked for as an answer.


Sometimes out of nowhere the fragrance of any kind will come in your surroundings. This could be a smell of any flower, or an aroma of any perfume.


They appear when some change or transformation is about to occur. When inner or outer transformation is about to happen butterfly can come as a sign that the happening change is for higher good of you and all and one does not need to be afraid.

Lighting Flashes

Different colours of light or flashes of light you will see, during meditation, in a dream or near you. Shaft of light appearing in your room, light orb or light in some form shimmering suddenly grab your attention. Even when you close your eyes you will still feel the presence of light. They wrap us in their light for protecting and healing.


These celestial beings will leave coins on your path to reassure you of their love and help. You must always notice your thoughts when these kinds of signs appear on your path.


Suppose you are worried for anything, or thinking about some problem and asking for angelic guidance through your prayers. Then suddenly you notice rainbow whether it rains or not. This could be a confirmation sign from your angels that they have heard you.

Temperature change

When these heavenly beings surround you will sometimes notice a change in your temperature. Suddenly your body could feel warmth or you may start feeling cold or like a chilling wind. Goosebumps, tickling then believe that your angels are surrounding you.


Angels more often make their presence felt through numbers, suppose you are thinking something important or about making some decision suddenly you look at the clock and saw the time 2:22, 4:44, 11:11, or you are walking and thinking and saw numbers on billboards, hoardings, number plate of vehicles, any newspaper, any paper and some numbers keep repeating then there is a message from your Angel for you which need to be conveyed to you. Every number has its own vibration or energy associated with it.