Common Wealth Games 2010 - The Indian Chapters

Though, its Uncommon for India to host CommonWealth Gmaes but when given this oppurtunity and privilege the government and the organising committee has taken it too commonly. while every day or every hour a new compelling story gets revealed via media about the disorganization, mismanagement, corruption happening in the CWG2010. Even when the guests are standing at our doorsteps preparrtion for this mega event still going on at this 11th hour. The CWG organising committee has shed all the charges and accusations dwelt upon them saying just an excuse "If they had got the venues earlier they would have done more work". Isn't strange that seven years are still not enough to hold this mega sport event in an organized way, that too with always increased budget that was fixed for the games.
From sanitations to lodging everything is improper. Toilets were cluttered with all garbage and stained with paan, even there was no proper water supply there, and yes, there was water leakage problem in the pipes. Stairs made for fire exit lying broken and water all around the village area providing a medium for thriving of mosquitoes. Even the wi-fi system is not working. The bed did not had a plywood on it and the mattress were embellished with footprints. The collapsing of the bridge made with 10 crores had collapsed the Indian image globally. The finishing work is still going on or you can say the fianl touch is yet to be given. The news shows that animals are hunting in the games village the best exemplary are snakes and dogs. The latest news revealed by the media is that the water taps, bed sheets hav been stolen from the flats of the village.
Well the organizing commmitte would have swollen with confidence to know that many participating nations and atheletes have withdrawn their names from CWG. The teams which have landed India had at first stayed in the hotels to take safe shelter rather than at games village.
The chalta hai attitude had made the government always indulge in hibernation and aestivation. Wake up now, before its too late. But for now, we are bhagwan bharose!

Pre-Marital Counselling- Why its Necessary ?

Well, marriages are made in heaven, but the nuptial knots are tied here on Earth. Marriage is a lifetime decision so taken with great care, vision and prudence, as it brings with it lot of onuses. which even in thoughts cannot be ignored and taken lightly. In earlier times parents, elder members of the family and relatives draws a brief sketch of the married life to the people whose marriage is fixed or who are about to get married. So our closed ones and well wishers always advice us to take indepth care before making final decision and also about the changes that takes place in one's life after getting married. Most appropriate description of this is Pre-Marital Counselling. But nowadays, scenario has underwent minute changes. This graph of counselling which earlier was done by parents, relatives,etc. is now a bit stretched to marriage counsellors.
The institution of marriage is based on the foundation of love, trust, honesty, care, affection, faith, mutual respect for each other, compatability, mutual understanding and being comfortable with each other. these all make  this institution strong and most beautiful relationship. Still along with these ingredients marriage can run from the tough time. Notwithstanding of these pearls of life marriage can face a havoc. If both the life partners are not working hard on their relationship it can be ruined. But before this stage comes why not couples get counselled.

These days Pre-Marital Counselling sessions are prevailing in very much. It is done so as to counsel the prospective life partners, to anticipate them about the coming changes, problems and adjustments of the married life. They tell the ways and measures so as to lead their married life with harmony. During the Pre-Marital Counselling sessions, the counsellors tells about how to avoid the conflicting situations from arising. What are the real changes, effective and influential in nature that takes place. After the marriage changes in expectations, priorties takes place. How to resolve ego clashes, and the measures to to bring in some positive changes in your married with devotion, dedication and most importantly love for each other which believes in seeing the happiness of the life partner or Soulmate.