Stop Denying…………….

Courtesy - Google Images

Deny not your true self
Deny not your needs
Deny not your desires, though your needs are different
Deny not your pain
Deny not your joys and happiness
Deny not your yearnings
Deny not your resentment
Deny not your anger
Deny not your jealousy
Deny not your wall of ego
Deny not your false pride
Deny not your rudeness
Deny not your softness
Deny not your lust
Deny not you love
Deny not the paths you once travelled and met failure
Deny not the success which once knocked at your door
Deny not the success you wish to see, feel and experience
Deny not the miracles you need at this moment
Deny not your presence

Stop Denying, Start Accepting
You’re a complete amalgam of all emotions you experience… why denying them

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  1. Nice thought and inspirational words. We can't progress in life by denying anything.

  2. @ Ani - Thank you so much for liking the idea. Absolutely true we can't progress without accepting life first. :)
    @ Amit - Thank you so much :)
