The winter Rain

Courtesy - Google Images

 On a rainy day, the gorgeous sun concealed itself behind the white clouds, thunder and lightening stroking at the glass window. The hot coffee mug placed on the table, seems yearning to touch, the silken lips. The new book with it’s ever growing fragrance waiting on the bookshelf, to be unfolded. There is new music in the air. There are birds dancing on the new tunes. The chilling winter wind has its own chime, and you can’t ignore that. Every heart understands the lyric created by this tempestuous wind; such is the charm of first rain of shivering winter. My heart every ready to soak it, I wrapped myself with shawl and adorned my eyes with kajal, moved outside my home and kissed the pearls of rain pouring from the celestial sky. My pain brimming from my eyes melted in the form of tears and mingled with the chilling drops of rain, there was numbness seeping into me and how cold I felt I was from inside, as if had lost my warmth some where in the woods of my past. Every heart on the road was humming a song. Yet, except for loneliness no one was my companion. This solitude was the companion I choose for my walk. The day which had revived those chapters stored in the memory book of my heart. I met the same questions face to face on this rain day.

:This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Rains always leave you with some memories :)

  2. @ Diwakar - yes, it always does, that's why many of us love rains. :)
    @ Confused Soul - Thank you so much :)
    @ Tandoori Brain - Thank you so much :)
