With the shift in energy, people are becoming more inclined towards trying alternative healing therapies and spiritual healing therapies. There are many healing therapies for healing any kind of disease, emotional, mental or spiritual pain. Some of them are discussed below.
The application of using essential oils extracted from plants and flowers and their different parts for psychological, emotional and physical well being. The oils extracted are pure in nature and are applied on the skin or inhaled. These when applied or inhaled relieves the person from pain, mood related problems, insomnia, headaches, etc. The use of aromatherapy harmonizes the body, mind and spirit of the person and hence enhances their overall well being.
Colour Therapy or Chromotherapy
We all know how colour affects mood and feelings. That is why looking at the sea and sitting in the surrounding of nature brings a calm effect on us. Colour is a light which has its own wavelength and energy. Colour therapy, a holistic healing used for balancing the imbalance chakras of the human body. Thus, enhancing the mood and overall, well-being of the person. Each chakra is associated with specific colour for Root Chakra with Red, Sacral with orange, Solar Plexus with yellow, Heart with green, Throat with blue, Third eye with indigo, Crown with violet. The spiritual healers invoke the specific colour and invite that colour light for healing the person’s physical and psychological ailments. Along with that they affect our spiritual quotient, like laughter, joy, happiness, sadness, sorrow, anger, lust, love, etc.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing as the name suggests employs the use of the crystals for healing techniques. It is an ancient holistic healing technique. The placement of particular crystal or different types of crystals on human body relieves him or her from pain or any kind of stress and thus gives a feeling of deep relaxation. They work on the chakras of the body, as each chakra is associated with particular body organ and therefore, crystal healing looks after the overall well-being. They have electromagnetic charges which interact with the person’s energy centers and remove the energy blockages and hence the flow of the energy is restored. Eventually the aura of the person gets cleansed and balanced. Various kinds of crystals are used for healing like Amethyst, Ruby, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Quartz, etc.
Angel Healing
Angel healing sheds the light on invoking the angels and asking or requesting them to heal our pain, or issues related to our life. Angels are divine beings filled with deep, pure, unconditional love for every being. All you need to do is call upon them or invite them to help you out. Angels do come when anyone calls them because without making a call or request they cannot help anyone as they are not entitled to interfere in anyone’s life. They send messages to people through signs and symbols like feather, numbers, butterfly, coins, particular colour light, sound, aroma, pr the change in temperature, etc in order to make their presence felt. There are different kinds of angels naming them like Guardian angels and Archangels.
There are more therapies along with these discussed above like Acupuncture, Past Life Regression, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Pranic Healing, Reiki, etc.
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