The law of attraction in the simple sense words means “like attracts like”, means at whatever energy you are vibrating from inside you will attract those events or situations in your life. Sometimes, this happens consciously while other times it can happen even without your realization. Vibrating with positive or negative energy counts as love, joy, peace, gratitude, feeling good, fulfilled, and confident or fear, anger, low self-esteem, frustration, hatred, ego, etc. whatever you focus on you will attract situations based on your own feelings. It directly influences our life or you can say is directly proportional to your state of being.
You have to co-create with the universe. You have to believe that you can manifest and that too effortlessly. You have to consciously shift your thinking from negative to positive ways always. Why? Because, we have deep conditioning, immense stock of fear, fear from love and being love, fear of losing happiness, fear of failure, fear of taking risk, deeply embedded beliefs regarding love, marriage, relationships, money, what we think about our self and others, our perception or what you believe in will find energy. These things build a blockage inside us.
To apply this law, you need to be open to all possibilities, have faith, and persevere in your efforts. You need to be mindful of your thoughts and start noticing every time you encounter negative thought and then replace it with a more powerful positive thought. You can consciously start applying law of attraction anytime even from this very moment and with any kind of wish or desire you have in your heart. Start with something easy and small not because bigger things cannot be fulfilled but because not for all but for some people in the beginning mind will hold resistance and will be on the denial mode or expect anything positive. But once you start seeing its results and rewards you will understand that things can change and good things can happen to you of course. You need to have self introspection from time to time, find some time to sit with yourself and start analyzing your own self you will then find your deeply underlying beliefs which have conditioned you, your negative thought patterns, your resistance and many self definitions which you believe are all true which in reality are definitely not. If you are ready to work on yourself then you can definitely manifest anything for yourself.
There are many tools, affirmations and visualization exercises for practicing. These affirmations help in changing the thought patterns stored in our subconscious mind. Supposedly, you want money and thrive in abundance. Then you can say “I find money in so many ways coming to Me.”, “I release my inner poverty”. Like for health issues, you can say this affirmation “All cells of my body are healing.” These are the more general one but you can create your own affirmations as per your problems or needs.
You can also try visualization exercise where you can see and visualize what you want. Suppose you want to buy a house, then you can write affirmation like “My new home is just ready for me, I am going to shift very soon.” And stick that paper on your wall somewhere in your kitchen, bedroom, etc. Or you can pick a photo or image of a beautiful house just as you want and stock that picture at the place where you can see it every time. This all will be stored in your subconscious mind and will remind you about your goals, dreams and desire.
Do try and share your experiences. This is really magical.
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