Love - The breath of life

Love is the breath of life. As breath is required to live so is love. As rain washes and cleanses our heart love too cleanses and purifies our feelings. It heals and sooths the wounds. Love has the capacity to open the closed arms. It can bring smiles in eyes filled with tears. Love can change the view and bring happiness to every crushed soul. Love is that peace which reaffirms that everything will be fine. It is the most soft yet at the same time most powerful emotion. Love covers all from yearnings, pain, sorrows, separation, hurt and amalgam to union. Love traverse from words only to reach silence, for in deep silence only hearts communicates.
I would not say that the way in which I had described the love is the perfect way, for every soul describes and expresses love in his unique way, and every way is magical. And, the best art of this magic is that the souls, the one expression love expanding his heart and the one receiving love and enlarging the cup of heart feels the magnificence of love.
I have tried in a very small way to express divine love through words, yet what experience brings the bliss and the peace and serenity can’t be just traced in words. Here are few poems which may resonate with your breath and if your heart does skip its beat while reading then its love, yes your love.

The soul

If you believe in love, and trust its force trust the Divine, Beloved God who himself is love, then just open all the doors to love, it’s never too late for it.

These are just glimpses from the book Thousand Words In Million Silent Ways 

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