Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Words Wrapped in Silence

Courtesy - Google Images
My heart has opened its' petals
Only to receive your words
Dipped in nectarine love          

When you would come near me
Just to hear the breaths of soul
Like a dream, the evening shines
Far from the distant sky

Let this silence evaporate
Forming clouds, in the dust
Of your words, let it merge for
Forever, I wish to hear those lovely words
I wish to caress those soaked lips

Speak tonight, as the wind chimes
For it wounds my heart
And it bleeds inside
When you say nothing at all
When you say nothing at all……………..

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

The winter Rain

Courtesy - Google Images

 On a rainy day, the gorgeous sun concealed itself behind the white clouds, thunder and lightening stroking at the glass window. The hot coffee mug placed on the table, seems yearning to touch, the silken lips. The new book with it’s ever growing fragrance waiting on the bookshelf, to be unfolded. There is new music in the air. There are birds dancing on the new tunes. The chilling winter wind has its own chime, and you can’t ignore that. Every heart understands the lyric created by this tempestuous wind; such is the charm of first rain of shivering winter. My heart every ready to soak it, I wrapped myself with shawl and adorned my eyes with kajal, moved outside my home and kissed the pearls of rain pouring from the celestial sky. My pain brimming from my eyes melted in the form of tears and mingled with the chilling drops of rain, there was numbness seeping into me and how cold I felt I was from inside, as if had lost my warmth some where in the woods of my past. Every heart on the road was humming a song. Yet, except for loneliness no one was my companion. This solitude was the companion I choose for my walk. The day which had revived those chapters stored in the memory book of my heart. I met the same questions face to face on this rain day.

:This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Experiences comes with deeper meanings

I have got something to tell from my experiences that………….

No matter how hard life seems, you can still be soft on yourself.

People may hate you, because deep down they are fighting their most difficult battles, from inside they aren’t well. But, you please continue to love yourself as well others.

No matter how hard you may have worked, but there will be a section of people who will always find mistakes in your efforts, pointing them loud in the air. But, you please continue to put your best foot forward.

There will be a day when no one will appreciate you, for what good you have done, for how wonderful and strong you are when everyone will shift their focus on judging you, forming opinions about you. There perception may not match with yours. But, you please continue your good work and do appreciate yourself and be proud of who you are.

You will learn that in your life the decisions you made, the choices you made and how hard they been for you, you will find that some wandering souls will always be ready to criticize you and will leave no opportunity unturned to laugh on you. But, you please do not let this to kill you inner original pure beautiful smile.

There will be days when you will feel lonely and left out, no one to wipe your tears, embrace your pain, and wipe your tears. Nourish your will with motivation and let the sparks of inspiration burst in you.

I have got something very important to tell you that no matter how much people try to break you, to shatter your faith in divine and in yourself. But, you please do not give up, have faith in divine and just remember there is a supernatural miracle waiting for you.

It’s your story, don’t give your pen to someone else……………….
This is what I have learnt, so sharing……….

Love & Peace.

 This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda - See more at:
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda - See more at:

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda - See more at:
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda - See more at:

Let’s not look for permanence

Why we search for permanence, when we know that change is inevitable. When life brings experience to us that are healthy, beautiful, moments brimming with happiness, we fee and say that may time and life stop here only. And when we face hard challenging life, we want time to move faster. Time change, people change and so our experiences also changes. And experiences do leave imprints on our minds. The good experiences yearn in our memories while the bad ones haunt us, wherever we go.

Let’s not look for permanence knowing the fact that life itself is not permanent. We are here for a short journey. Once we complete our tenure we are supposed to leave this world. So, the man should shift his focus from permanence to happily enjoy every moment. Everything is a part of our journey. We are here to learn different lessons, so one chapter is not sufficient. The page has to be turned. These lessons are of the soul. We are here to feel bliss, to encounter our inner love, to experience, express and share love. How can anything remain permanent when are to be turned into night. And night changes again into another new dawn.
Love, embrace everything, work on yourself. Change your conditioning and let everything pass.

If you like to explore love, you can steal some love from here - From here

Amazon(USA) - From here

Flipkart - From here

The Body Talks……Just Listen

Things are related, experiences are interconnected. You never know whatever have learnt in your journey of life may come into use for some bigger cause, for some good reason. Nothing goes waste. I remember my grand mother had Diabetes. Being a diabetic patient her health suffered a lot. There use to be variations in her blood glucose level, sometimes, it goes so high and suddenly the blood glucose level falls and comes to a level becoming nil. When blood sugar level use to goes down her body start giving indications, she used to become unconscious, and speak in a faltering way. Sometimes she even fainted. After consulting to the doctor, who advised us to immediately give a mixture of water and sugar, or glucose mixture first, before taking her to the hospital, whenever we face such conditions. We followed his instructions. And let me tell you, with aging this life taking attack of diabetes started falling on her more frequently and this advised has not only helped us but had saved her life innumerable times. However, one day she left me. And her soul parted.
My uncle, who is also a diabetic patient, suffers with weight loss and weakness. One day, while he was sleeping he started feeling unconscious, and couldn’t explain anything to my aunt that what he was going through. He failed to utter words also. And my aunt and who got extremely panicked couldn’t understand what she needs to do first. She started asking her children to take him to the hospital. As they were preparing to go to the hospital I and my mother noticed his conditions we asked her to first give him the glucose mixture she said there is no glucose at home so we told her to give him a mixture of water and sugar, before taking him to the hospital. She was little hesitant to follow this, as she thought that this might not harm him and could land him in danger. But, as she also knew about this immediate treatment and how it would help him to reach hospital, she followed and gave him the mixture. However, he started feeling little conscious and better, they rushed him to the hospital where after being given the glucose drip and few check ups he was discharged from the hospital and returned home. This in turned saved his health, his body and his life.
The moral of the story is that we should never neglect any indications, any signs our body showing us. Any external indication reflects that something internally is not really well. Our body talks, we must listen to it. Pay attention, don’t ignore.

This Real Story, is a part of the contest going on Indiblogger by Colgate

Eternal Stories

Every story has some important lessons concealed inside the pages, its just that we need to be open and receptive to find those treasures and learn from them. Few gems, that reached the core of my heart, I have listed below.
We read, while reading we travel to the different land and relate to the characters of the story easily. The story has something to offer but we need to be receptive to pick that point. One story that touched my heart was that of “King Lear”, a tragedy play written by “William Shakespeare”. I really enjoyed reading this drama. This drama based on a father and daughter’s relationship can not only melt your heart but you will feel as if a rivulet is rolling down from your eyes. How greed, lust, jealousy, infidelity can bring storm in your life. And, the true love has to pass many litmus tests. But, love that is true, unconditional, pure, selfless comes out bright likes gold even after burning in the fire. How, King Lear decided to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters on the account of the confession of love they have for him. His one wrong decision changes the entire circumstances, just like our life.
“Pride and prejudice” by “Jane Austen” still rules my heart, the love story between the heart throbbing “Mr. Darcy” and the bold and beautiful Miss Bennett strengthens my faith in love, that love has the capacity to remove the curtains of pride and prejudice. No matter how difficult the road is, if you have faith and your intentions are pure love wins.
“The Grapes of Wrath” by “John Steinbeck”, has so much to teach, the story revolving around the Joads and Wilsons speaks about that humanity can survive even amidst the crisis. The very act of feeding the starving man reveals that compassion and kindness does not depend on outer circumstances. And if you have the spirit to walk with faith you can cross all mountains.

 This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Friends Chosen by Destiny

They say every one who comes across you have a reason, I am a firm believer of this, whether it has been friendship or any relationship. I and my friend Rati, met in school, when we met in school we were not great friends we were just classmates, but we use to enjoy each other’s company because we had one element common in both of us we both were very humourous, we still are. Even in the saddest situation we can find things to laugh about. However, she left the school in 9th standard and our ways parted.
After two long years, we again met this time in another school. I was enrolled in new school. Being the new it was difficult for me to adjust in entirely different environment. One day during the recess we met by chance, I was surprised to find her more over was so happy to see her there because in an unknown world even one known face brings comfort. As we were in different streams like I had taken science and she had taken humanities, we had only intervals to share, during recess we not only shared our food but our problems and worries also. Soon we became friends, yet we were not so close at that time. Relationships take time to develop. As the boards were near and my health was suffering due to severe lungs infection. We couldn’t keep in touch with each other. As we already had different sets of friends. But surprisingly we joined the same college that was a turning point for our friendship. We came closer to each other. Many storms came, many seasons changed, our friendship crossed many tests. Our friendship had survived many battles. Because we have blessings of the God, love, respect, faith, acceptance, space, co-operation and good feelings and good intentions for each other and for each other’s lives. From classmates, to friends to close friends our friendship had come a long way.
I wonder the girl I met few years back in school will one day become one of the most important people in my life. Usually, it’s the fun, joys, tuning that bring two people known to each other and with time their friendship becomes strong. In our case, it’s the pain that brought us together. She is such a true, faithful, loving person; I wish may everyone have such a wonderful friend. This is how I met my closest friend and yes, every one in your life has come with a reason.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Imperfect Partners Prefect Love

Courtesy - Google Images

Love is always pure and perfect in itself. Love is just being. Love is just expressing itself in relationship. Be it any kind of relationship. It’s the people who are tagged with label of imperfection. Why do we search for perfection, is love not enough in itself? I guess, what perfection’s definition according to today’s people is if things what others do, are not up to our expectations. May be, they might have done their best also. We need to sometimes ask ourselves are we perfect? It’s okay to be imperfect, but yes, we should always strive to do our best, to be a better person. To polish our qualities, and try to overcome our non healthy habits which aren’t of any benefit and sometimes kills our relationships. It could be like, not having faith on your partner, doubting them. We always focus on changing others, rather than changing our thought patterns, our habits in total changing ourselves. When even we try to change, immediately our ego puts forward our inbuilt defense mechanism always eager to shield ego, telling us we shouldn’t change for others. But, let us not forget the truth the facet that we cannot change for others, we can only change when we really want to change and that too for our own selves, for our own betterment. It must be very clear that first we want to change and then why we want to change there has to be a reason, a drive and a motivation, like what benefits it can bring to me.

I have seen people who want a perfect girlfriend, a perfect boyfriend, a perfect husband and a perfect wife.  But if one is not perfect people change their partners, definitely they should change if there isn’t any scope left for any improvement in their relationships or circumstances. But, if there is single hope single measure that could be taken one should always try because we can change partners, we will meet another and even if they aren’t perfect we can look forward to another one but how many times and till how long? We just need to check. To come out of pain, bitterness, it’s easy to blame others. Holding someone else responsible for our problems, pain and circumstances is easy and safe also. But, its never true and doesn’t solve our problem also.

Instead of focusing on problems, shift your focus on solutions, appreciate more, love more, and just take first step to dissolve things. Do everything with the pure intention of love, it will work, or if things didn’t work out in the end you will still be contented that you had been all pure in your love all the while you did your best and gave your best shot. I believe Love never goes unnoticed. Trust me, one day you too will believe.

I have tried to weave love in falling verses in my book “Thousand Words In Million Silent Ways”, have tried to capture emotions in words. If you like to read it’s available on

If you want to feel it, experience it, then you can steal your copy from here.
Cyberwit.netFrom here

Amazon(USA) - From here

Flipkart - From here

School Days, Sunny Days

If I were to give a change to relive that one day I would take a reverse gear and bring the time back to my school days. I was studying in seventh standard. The new session had just begun. Summers days were filled with new humidity. So were our hearts with new enthusiasm.
We had a sitting arrangement in which rotation of seats takes place so that every child gets an opportunity to sit in the front row or first row. Since the class was new and so were the subject teachers that hardly had any idea about every student. I and my friend used to sit together in the same row next to each other. Let me tell you, I had been a very talkative student and so were my friends, so after few weeks or months our seats usually get changed. My parent teacher meetings have always been filled with this same complaint year after year. Being the new class teachers was not familiar with our history.
One day my Biology teacher was teaching the chapter “The Cell”.  She was explaining about its parts, its functions, etc. she has one peculiar habit of calling the word “It” as “Itch”.  Every time she pronounces the word “It” as “Itch”, it reminded me of the anointment “Itchguard” and its advertisement. Now when this flashes into my memory it compels me to burst into laugh, I wrote this word “Itchguard”, at the bottom of the page. So we both were literally dying to laugh. However, we controlled. But, this does not last longer. The laughing viruses inside were ready to expose themselves. The situation becomes more difficult and interesting also when your friend is sitting with you that too in the first row in front of your teacher, eye contact is bound to happen. It was so difficult to control your unruly laugh, at last we broke. I dropped my pencil and rubber both, bent down and found my refuge under my desk, there I laughed whole heartedly. My friend also applied the same technique and we both laugh there under our desks respectively. Finally, we both were caught red handed. My teacher asked – “Am I cracking a joke?” “Why you girls are laughing, so much?”. We were scoffed, scolded, and were punished with our hands up outside the class. The only good “thing about this was that the Biology period was our last period and only 10 minutes were left to over. We stood outside the class in punishment for near about 7-8 minutes, and the bell rang. Again we were on laughing mode, and when caught by our teacher we changed our expression, from the laughing mode we changed into serious sad mode. She scoffed at us, and said “Dramatic Girls”. Well, this is the end of this Hasna Hasaana story.
I wanted to relive this day because this reminds me that smile and laugh is spontaneous. The element of laugh comes instantly, when you are joyful from inside, when your heart is light and carefree. In life, when you are not focused on about the consequences of such little mistakes. Life was fun, tension free, there were lessons in learning, though we did a mistake but joys and happiness, sharing laughs and smiles were parallel to learning.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Sparks of Love in Marriage

‘Love instilled in marriage
Can bridge the new and old gaps
Ever created in any heart
Be it Love or Arranged Marriage
Always do remember
It’s just beginning
You have to travel afar’

Life is a complete package of relationship; some are blessed by destiny, like our parents and siblings. While some we pick and choose from our life like friends and of course a life partner. Being at marriageable age you are sure to encounter with questions like when are you getting married? And the kind of marriage love or arranged one, you would prefer in your life?
We grow up playing ‘Gudde Gudiya ki Shaadi’……but it’s strange when real life hits us we soon realize that it’s no more ‘Gudde Gudiya ki Shaadi’, a feast or a bonanza. We begin with a different notion but we end with a different definition based on experiences in relation to time, space and people. People change, time change, situations change and so do our needs priorities and perception. The inner metamorphosis sometimes even changes our beliefs.
Be it love or arranged marriage, LOVE is that sparkling element which lights the heart and soul of the partners. Every relationship is a pure amalgam when respect, trust, faith, commitment, compatibility, understanding, companionship, fidelity and dedication are all merged together. They play a crucial role in cementing this bond. As they waft love through beautiful various ways from one soul to another. We all know love balms and soothe every grief. Marriage does not come with the guarantee card. There is no perfect formula that makes sure that if its love marriage it has 100% chances of survival or if its arranged marriage you can be sure that it will withstand any crucible circumstances or situations unwanted.
We all know that both love and arranged marriages have their own pros and cons; they have their effects and side effects too. But LOVE is that drug which immunes married life, because everything comes out of love. Love is spontaneous. You talk, you listen, you wanna understand and you wanna express yourself, all because you love your beloved and everything your thoughts, your words, and your actions originate from that perennial source. Love needs to be intertwined with acceptance, forgiveness and immense patience. Marriage is a life long commitment. One needs sincere and honest dedication to glide along the even and rough surfaces. You grow when you accept each other in the way they are, in spite of the differences in thinking and habits you not only welcome but value each other. Only for that one single reason that you love your better half and this life is really wonderful sharing with them.
Marriage is like exploration. Whether it’s love or arranged one. In love marriage you are quite aware of some specific chapters though some real definitions are yet to be discovered. While in arranged marriage your syllabus becomes twice. A little more appreciation and refrain from criticism.  Mutual respect and commitment towards each other makes the bond strong. While expressing your love helps in exploring different and hidden shades of love which always comes as a surprise from your partner.
As long as the focus is on the beaming lights of love one can hope that whether it’s love or arranged one, marriage can dazzle life even through the dark tunnels.

This post has been written for Sony Entertainment and Indiblogger Contest